AccessPC 2.0 has a completely new manual designed to get you up and running, and find information, as quickly as possible. While you can install and use AccessPC without using the manual, you might find it helps to take a quick look.
How To Install AccessPC
AccessPC 2.0 is installed using Apple's Installer. The installer takes care of whether you are running System 6 or System 7 and, if you are upgrading, preserves any MS-DOS extension assignments you may already have. Page10 of the manual describes the installation procedure.
Assigning MS-DOS files to Mac applications
Page 16 of the manual describes how to assign a MS-DOS file extension to a Macintosh application. The following table lists some common assignments:
PC File Extension & Application Mac Application Creator File Type
There are a few known problems that you could encounter when using AccessPC 2.0
They are rare, however, and it’s unlikely that these will affect you.
Floppy Disk Users
1. WordPerfect/Mac 2.0 and WingZ may have problems saving a PC file onto a DOS disk. This is because the applications create a Mac “resource fork” for DOS files. If you turn on the “Save Mac Info To Disk” in the AccessPC control panel, these problems will not occur.
2. Copying a disk by dragging a DOS disk icon onto a DOS or Mac disk icon will not work.
3. The DaynaFile will be unable to format a 360K floppy as a Mac disk. This has no practical value anyway.
4. “Directory Assistance” in Norton Utilities will have problems with DOS disks.
Iomega Drive Users
1. When using the Iomega LaserSafe removable drive, the Iomega driver should be installed and MultiDriver removed from the Control Panels folder. The Iomega Workshop software should be used for formatting Mac cartridges.